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Writer's pictureneil gallagher

Discord Up Dates, Moving House, New Maps and an Executable piece of software in the making!

Hello, I've moved house and the DIY on my house took a little longer than expected, I’ve had to move my PC four times due to leaks, plaster, timber construction and more, Grrr!!

I have cleaned up the Movign Dungeons Discord and added a little Ai generator if you want to have a play and make some Role Play images for inspiration. In the text channel “forbidden-ai-ideas” if you type "/imagine" and then ask for what you would like to see and bingo, an idea pops up , its pretty crazy what it makes.

You will be happy to know I am about release a ship pack and sticking to the creation races I have an Elf based pack oven ready to go which will accompany the Ork, Dwarf, Gnome,

Giant and Human packs already on the Patreon. So by the end of this month I will be back on track.

And a final footnote, it’s early days but I have made an executable piece of software with all the maps, it will be like an Alpha 0.1 but its something I have been wanting to try since I started. Okay, that’s the latest, thanks again for all your support!

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